Architectural Control Committee
The purpose of the Sutherland Farm Architectural Control Committee is to promote and ensure the harmony, aesthetics, beauty and property values of the Sutherland Farm residential community.
The ACC was established as provided in the MASTER DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS FOR SUTHERLAND FARM SUBDIVISION and operates as set forth under Article X of the document.
The Sutherland Farm Architectural Control Committee oversees exterior home maintenance and improvement projects. The committee generates Rules, and evaluates and makes decisions about, storage sheds, landscapes, new fences and home additions.
The Architectural Committee handles the review and approval process for house and the trim paint colors before owners repaint.
These are the original ACC Rules revised as of May 2006. A complete current list of ACC Rules will be published and made available soon.
These are added to the original Rules and Standards.
SECTION 10.05. Approval Required. No construction, alteration, modification, removal, or destruction of any Improvements of any nature whatsoever, whether real or personal in nature, shall be initiated or be permitted to continue to exist within the Property, without the prior express written approval of the ACC.
As questions arise concerning Rules and Regulations, the ACC develops recommendations for Sutherland Farm Board of Directors consideration.
ACC Request Forms are available on-line for your convenience. After completion of approval request forms please return them to the Architectural Control Committee by mail, email or in person.
A link to the general guidelines based on provisions written in various sections of the CC&Rs along with the current ACC Rules and Standards.